Friday, March 27, 2009

Freedom come quickly!

Move my heart...
It's stuck on too many things..
But I don't get that...... If I give them up the initial heartache isn't as bad as the surpassing freedom and Joy you feel when you have truly disconnected from those things that still your time, affections, cravings, and desires.

We are free from the world when we starve ourselves from it, we are more free from it when we give it up, the enemy wouldn't like us to believe that but it's true.

Whatever you sow you will reap.. you will reap a harvest if you do not give up. If you don't quit you win. Holy spirit do the work in me, and don't let me fall back into carnal thinking..

I LONNGGG to lay hold of the vision, to grasp it, to obtain it, to meditate upon it, that way when complacency comes around the corner, and sleep settles in my eyes, I can look to our Lord Jesus who was very familiar with suffering and I can be the sleeper that arises and has the Lord shine upon then. The hardest thing to do, is arise from that place of decision where it would be just as easy to fall back into sleep as it would be to make the choice to arise.

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